Social Distancing and Easter Photos
How is everyone’s social distancing going? On the farm not much has changed. We are still running like normal on all our day to day chores and activities. We are especially thankful for our contract with Whole Foods. Many farmers who sell to restaurants are hurting right now and the meat industry is still at risk for more trouble down the road with processing plants closing. Do your local farmer a favor and see what they might have for sale! We have select cuts of lamb available and are getting ready to process more. Whole lambs are available as well!
Before Easter we took a few bottle lambs to photo shoot sessions with a local photographer! It was a long day but it was tons of fun. The lambs cooperated as best they could, still having a few accidents here and there that were quickly cleaned up. Some kids were unsure of them at first but most warmed up to the lambs and liked petting them. I’d say the little brown lamb was the star of the show! It was fun to meet more members of the community and be featured in some great Easter photos.
All photos were taken by Kensie Brooke Smith Photography in Tompkinsville, KY. Check her out on Facebook!