Winter Pasture

Winter Pasture

Since day one on this farm we have been wishing for permanent fence. At first it just wasn’t in the budget while we were getting things going. We also didn’t want to put any up too soon before we figured out how to split pastures in the best way.

I am so thrilled to say that it is time! We have begun work on permanent fence on our own property.

We started our first winter pasture and hope to have it completed by mid December. This will be a large section with open pasture but mostly light wooded areas. The sheep will be able to grub out the wooded areas and have plenty of cover in the winter months. We will be able to feed hay and grain and not have to worry about sacrificing a good pasture during the winter months.

Eventually we hope to have 4-5 different winter pastures fenced off on the property. It may take several years before we get the time to do it all but I am so excited that it has started!

There is nothing on this farm that makes me more excited than permanent fence and a well hung gate!

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Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween