Watching Over Our Flock by Night

Watching Over Our Flock by Night

Let’s be real here, sheep and lambs can be weak. They give up quickly, require a lot of time and attention, and sometimes die for no reason. January seems to always be a hard month for us. The weather is cold or rainy, or cold and rainy - not ideal for sheep and newborn lambs. We always do everything we can but some lambs just don’t make it. Farming is tough! You can have great days and then lose a lamb and it sucks. The ups and downs of farming keep you humble - that’s for sure!


Even wonder why lambs are mentioned so often as creatures that need to be cared for and watched over? It’s because it’s true! Having a sheep farm requires more work and attention than cattle - we have done both! The point is, even on our toughest or worst days, we still love what we do.


We have had quite a few bottle lambs recently. Lamb milk replacer can be expensive! So we have found a recipe that we can make ourselves and works well. If you come over to our house, ask before you pour a glass of milk - there is a good chance it’s lamb milk!


Homemade Lamb Milk Replacer

  • 1 gallon whole milk (less 2 1/2 cups)

  • 1 cup buttermilk

  • 1 can evaporated milk

We always give the bottle lambs some colostrum first. Usually it is some that we have stolen off other ewes and frozen for these occasions. Once they get some colostrum in their belly we will start them on our homemade milk. And they we get them eating grain and hay as quickly as possible!

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