A Whirlwind Year in Review

A Whirlwind Year in Review


Well, we’ve been here a year! It’s still hard to believe that 12 months have gone by since we moved to our farm. We have made it through every season (I would love it if winter next year included less rain...) and have enjoyed seeing how our farm transforms with the changing weather.

From day to day it can be hard to see what we are accomplishing but looking back we have had some major changes, and hit big milestones.

We demolished a pool and deck and turned it into our sheep pen, built the Taj Mahal of dog kennels for some of our working dogs, gutted the barn of years of left over junk, filled it with hay for the winter, developed pastures, and planted some fall seed. We drove all the way to Missouri and back (twice!) to pick up our ewes and rams, and waited, sometimes not so patiently for lambs. We threw a wedding, the best one in my (not biased) opinion, had lots of visitors, spent many nights on our porch, and enjoyed being tucked back in our own little hollow. We completed quite a few DIY projects including: a double deck trailer, a water wagon, hay feeders, grain feeders, sheep weighing sling, creep feeder, and a most importantly… the lambulance!

But most importantly, we are thrilled to have ended our first year on the farm with lambs on the ground!

We look forward to improving our facilities and growing our flock in the next year. Thank you to everyone who has visited us in our first year, we can’t wait for you to see all the changes to come as well!

Lambing Update

Lambing Update

Baby Donkey

Baby Donkey