Baker’s Dozen

Baker’s Dozen

Puppies have arrived! 


Harry and I started to feed the ewes and lambs around 4:30pm on Thursday May 3rd. When we came back to put Quinn in her kennel, we heard a tiny cry come from Lola’s kennel. She had a puppy! We quickly moved her and the squirming baby up to the porch where we could get them settled and watch for more. 


Throughout the evening she had six more, for a total of seven healthy puppies. With Lola being a first time mother we expected her to have a smaller litter and maybe need some help. She proved to us very quickly that she had it handled. Each new puppy was cleaned off and pushed toward her belly so they could get to nursing. Litters typically range from 4-8 puppies with 6 being average. So when we saw the 7th puppy we figured there might be one more but Lola was doing fine so we could just leave her be for the night.


So we go to sleep thinking there are seven, and wake up to a surprise! I go out to check and I count 12. Something must be wrong. I yell for Harry and start counting them by picking each one up and making a new puppy pile. Harry comes out just as I get to seven and he says “she only has seven”... wrong. During the night Lola had four more, for a total of ELEVEN healthy puppies. 

But wait, there’s more. As I started to write this blog post today, Harry let me know puppy #12 was a stillborn and #13 was alive and well. 


So here we are, 12 puppies later, just trying to make sure they all get a turn to nurse!

The puppies will be for sale, for more information, give Harry a call (info on contact page) 

I swear we went just to look

I swear we went just to look

Lambing Update

Lambing Update