Vote for Harry

Vote for Harry

Harry and I recently attended the annual meeting for the Kentucky Sheep and Goat Producers Association. We spent the day learning from others and networking. The keynote speaker was a woman from Maryland who has done a lot of research about sheep and goats and worms/parasites. It was great to hear some new tips and ideas from her and reinforce what we are already doing.


Before the annual meeting, our buyer reached out to Harry to see if he would be interested in running for the board of directors for the Kentucky Sheep and Wool Producers Association. We figured this would be a great way to get our farm more plugged in and try to make a difference in our industry.
Harry was selected by vote at the annual meeting! He is excited to get more involved with other sheep farmers in the state.


If you are a sheep producer, big or small, in the state of Kentucky, please checkout the association’s website and consider joining us!

If you are a producer from another state, find your state’s association and join - help make a difference!

We need a bigger pen!

We need a bigger pen!

From Sheep to Geese

From Sheep to Geese