Winding Creek Farms

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With our own two hands

There is something special about building things with your own two hands. All the hard work and sweat that goes into it makes it that much more satisfying when all the work is done. Or maybe it just means you’re trying to save some money by doing it yourself?

A few weekends ago we started work on our new lambing facility. We are using the existing concrete that was the basketball court and building a barn around it. 

We began by hand digging (and by we, I mean Harry) 10 post holes and securing in the main posts. The next weekend we raised and secured the custom trusses that were made for our building. Thankfully only two tipped during securing them and none fell back to the ground. 

Next came two long and hot days with Martin and Harry securing the metal roof. They quickly discovered why they are not roofers and why they never want to be roofers. It many be a little uneven on the ends, but it keeps everything dry!

Last weekend we rented a mini excavator to be able to put in the electric and water lines for the lambing facility. That process went very smooth and Harry had a blast operating the equipment. 

Next up is the siding and interior layout. We can’t wait to show you the finished product! 

If all goes according to schedule, we should start using the new lambing facility with brand new lambs around the end of October and keep going through January.